9910 NW 21st Street Doral Fl 33172 USA+1-786-703-3622
9910 NW 21st Street Doral Fl 33172 USA+1-786-703-3622
9910 NW 21st Street, Doral Fl 33172 Phone 786-703-3622 ext310 logcoordinator@merclogisticsgroup.com
Barranquilla: Cr 53 No. 66 - 67 Barranquilla, Colombia jmercadeo@merco.com.co (+57) 5-3683815
Av Francisco De Orellana Edif. COFIN, Piso 7 Ofic 701, Guayaquil - Ecuadro Telf (593-4)2922481
Av. 3E entre calle 78 y 79 Torre Empresarial Claret Piso 10 Oficinas números 7/8 Maracaibo - Edo. Zulia (+58)0261-7934638 - 7934975 FAX: 0261-7932588 Móvil: -0416-6617882-0424-6276511
We have an array of agents from Center, South America & Caribbean that we represent in our natural locations and they represent us on theirs with the same service and excelence that we represent them,just let us know where you need the service arrange it and take it from there.
We have an array of agents from Europe & Far East that we represent in our natural locations and they represent us on theirs with the same service and excelence that we represent them,just let us know where you need the service arrange it and take it from there.